Jayna Packaging Pvt Ltd.
My internship experiences provided a springboard for professional growth. Here, you'll find a selection of projects that allowed me to hone my skills
in Packaging Design.
Packaging Design
Project 1
Coffee Mug Packaging
Create simple yet functional 100% sustainable packaging for the coffee mugs. The packaging doesn’t have to be complex. The packaging should hold the product and protect it during transit as well.
Each packaging will hold only one product.
Key- Points
Simple packaging structure
Functional yet aesthetic packaging
Should fit in one die-cut.
Sustainable packaging
Explorations (Structure Design)
Explorations (Surface Graphics)
Final Design
Packaging Structure
Final Graphics
Project 2
OneCard Credit card packaging
Create simple yet functional 100% packaging for the OneCard credit cards. The packaging should hold the product and the instruction manual that comes along with it. It should protect the products and each packaging will hold only one pair. (Only the structure of the packaging)
Key- Points
Should hold both Credit card and manual booklet
Unique packaging
Functional yet aesthetic packaging
Sustainable packaging
Explorations (Structure Design)
Final Design
Final Structure
Project 3
Product shoot for Paper Shaper
My job as a design intern was to plan the shots which would showcase the product at its best
with the provided equipments. The photos needed to be edited, retouched and color corrected
and be ready to go live on their website.